Job Scam Alert

It has come to our attention that Spirotherm's name is being used in fraudulent job postings. These job postings are NOT posted by Spirotherm and instead are part of an elaborate scam.

The FTC has additional information about job scams and fake check scams. To help protect others, you can file a report with the FTC.

Spirotherm, Inc. manufactures the industry leading high efficiency Spirovent® coalescing type air elimination products and its extended line of Spirotrap® dirt separators. A wholly owned subsidiary of Spiro Enterprises, Inc. , we have been developing and manufacturing products to improve water quality in the HVAC industry for almost 40 years. Sizes from 3/4” to 36” pipe, flows to over 30,000 GPM for residential, commercial, industrial, and institutional applications.


Protecting the investment in high efficiency boilers, chillers, and other system components requires the fluid to be distributed efficiently. Eliminating air and dirt does away with many maintenance items that have been considered routine, saves energy, and improves overall system performance and heat transfer. We support a network of factory trained sales offices across North America, each with a staff of qualified sales and application professionals who can demonstrate how Distribution Efficiency will protect those investments.


Contact the office closest to you for product application assistance or to arrange for a personal demonstration.

Introducing: Superior S600 - Vacuum Degasser

The Superior S600 creates a pressure change such that a portion of the system fluid is temporarily placed in a state of negative pressure (vacuum).
As a result, dissolved gasses in the fluid are released, separated and removed from the fluid.