“We couldn’t get the chilled water supply temperatures low enough to properly cool, until we got the air out of the system.”
Steve Kaiser
Director of Facilities & Grounds
Without making any other changes to the system, the Spirovent removed all entrained air and proved that air was indeed the culprit.

Related Work

Cottey College - Nevada, MO
From the President's house to the power plant, to almost all buildings on campus, Spirovents have contributed to efficient system performance across the campus.
University of Missouri - Columbia, MO
The University of Missouri, Columbia is home to the second of the world's largest Spirovent® combination air eliminator and dirt separator.
IM Flash Technologies - Lehi, UT
Custom 14" all stainless steel high velocity air eliminator for process chilled water.
Mercy Medical Center - Des Moines, IA
High velocity 18" combination air eliminator and dirt separator.