“We couldn’t get the chilled water supply temperatures low enough to properly cool, until we got the air out of the system.”
Steve Kaiser
Director of Facilities & Grounds
Without making any other changes to the system, the Spirovent removed all entrained air and proved that air was indeed the culprit.

Related Work

Eastern Illinois University - Charleston, IL
After having tried numerous other methods, the first Spirovent was installed in Carman Hall to deal with a long history of no heat calls and clogging valves.
Kansas State University - Manhattan, KS
Following the installation of numerous smaller units on campus that met all expectations, a separator upgrade was proposed for the central plant.
University of Arkansas Medical Sciences - Little Rock, AR
High velocity 18" air eliminator on the hot water system, and custom high velocity 30" air eliminator on chilled water system.
Purdue University - West Lafayette, IN
Spirovent exceeds expectations and leads the University to purchase and install (32) additional units at the village.