Spirovents have been installed in many industrial HVAC systems, both new construction and to solve problems in existing systems.  While designed to reach peak efficiency in closed loop circulating systems, they have also been applied in select single pass applications.  Our engineers will review such applications with regard to the system type, fluid properities, flow velocities, and the specific problems identified.  Recommendations for a solution are dependent upon all of those factors.

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Air Eliminator Piping
Install the Spirovent® at the point of lowest solubility, which is the place in the system where the temperature is the highest and pressure the lowest.
Dirt Separator Piping
Install the Spirotrap® typically ahead of the system component being protected, such as the boiler in this drawing.
Residential Gallery
Spirovent® remains the world class standard that others attempt to reach. Often copied but never equaled.
University of Arkansas Medical Sciences - Little Rock, AR
High velocity 18" air eliminator on the hot water system, and custom high velocity 30" air eliminator on chilled water system.